In just under 2 hours, we will have boarded our plane and be waiting for it to take off once again for Johannesburg, South Africa! The main purpose for this trip is to scout for land/property for us to open a resource/training center in South Africa. There are several people we will be meeting with and areas that we will be exploring in South Africa and have faith that the Lord will clearly lead us to where He wants us. He has prepared us over the past couple of years to continue venturing forward, and we remain faithful to His calling as we anticipate these next 2 months in South Africa!
In one of our devotions today, it said:
“God is telling us to just keep walking and He’ll bring along the things, the people, and the circumstances that need to be in our lives.”
In a nutshell, that pretty much sums up our thoughts right now. We invite you to join us on our journey in spirit, along with your PRAYERS for His provison, His protection, and His guidance. We and hope to keep you all updated on our travels
Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we return to minister to the people of South Africa!