Road trip Anyone? (September Update)

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lionsSummer may be over in the northern hemisphere, but it’s just approaching here in the southern, so why not extend your summer and take advantage of one or more short-term service opportunities for one last road trip?

The cargo container transformed by our friends at Cargo of Dreams and Project Cargo:Summit to South Africa in Summit County, Colorado is scheduled to arrive in South Africa on or about September 27 and we invite you to be part of a team to help transform it into the 2,000 sq. ft. teaching, training and resource center it will become in Ikageng, South Africa! We’re looking for individuals or small teams (6 maximum) to help with the following tasks for 1, 2 or 3 weeks IN SOUTH AFRICA!:

October 19-26: Position and secure roof trusses, lay roof decking, lay asphalt shingles;

October 26-November 2: Build exterior non-load bearing walls, install doors and windows;

November 2-9: Interior and exterior paint and finishes, set up equipment and supplies;

In addition to those short-term service opportunities we’re also looking for 1-2 experienced tilers and 1-2 experienced or inexperienced painters to help us tile and paint our current 1,200 sq. ft. preschool building September 21-28.

In-country costs (emergency medical insurance, local transportation, food, housing and equipment, materials and supplies) for a one week trip are $1,000, 2 weeks $1,219 and three weeks $1,438. For more information please email us at Space is limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so get on it!

Oh, and the photo above, it’s not our photo, but we do provide similar experiences and opportunities to get to know the local people and wildlife up-close and personal!

Praise God, we have met our goal to fund the expansion of our teaching, training and resource center in Ikageng! Now we have until October 15 to match up to $3,000 of what has already been funded to finish up some smaller projects around but not directly part of the building through our friends at Giving of Life Grant. If you’d like to help us meet that goal please click here to donate from $5 to $200 to that project now.

We’re also very excited to be starting to plan for the next school year (which starts in January), when we will be expanded enrollment in the Naledi Christian Academy from the present 32 students and 5 staff to 80 students and 10 staff, adding a Grade R (kindergarten) and 2 year-old class, and Lord willing, maybe even a Grade 1 class!

We’re Still Praying….

Thank you Jesus for our recent visitors and short-term volunteers. In August we were blessed to have Todd, Dan and Rob of Church of the King, Lake Charles, Louisiana spend the night with us to see how Christ is working in Ikageng, and Shelly, Rebecca and their mother Donna from Calvary Chapel Chester Springs just finished serving alongside us for five days. Thank you so much for your servants hearts and fellowship!

We’re also thanking Jesus for the tremendous outpouring of love and gifts of people’s prayers, presence and purses as He continues to guide us in establishing a safe place for children, youth, and adults to learn of His love and purpose for them.

We’re still praying for the Lord to raise up local and international volunteers and staff to assist in the field, particularly a family or couple to commit to at least three months of service beginning in November. Search your heart and listen for the Lord’s still small voice and if that’s you please let us know!

We’re also still praying for new foster parent(s) for the three brothers in House 1 who lost their foster mother over two months ago as well as her one biological son. For now the three brothers are staying by themselves in the house as a child-headed household (the oldest is 15), and the biological son (4 yrs. old) has been taken in “unofficially” by one of the other foster mothers on the property while the gears of the Department of Social Development and Children’s Court turn ever so slowly to provide permanent foster parents and homes for these boys.

Please join us in these prayers.