While winter may be settling in an South Africa and people are moving slower because of the cold, over the last two months Christ has been moving in amazing ways. In fact, it’s hard to comprehend all He has done. We can claim no part in this, because it is very clear that only God’s providential hand could have orchestrated the developments we are about to share with you. He has been gracious to bring us to where we are today, and He is already proving faithful in multiplying the fruit as the future unfolds. Prayers for discernment, wisdom, guidance, peace in the midst of growth would be appreciated. Many of you are aware that Christ has given us the vision of expanding the Naledi Christian Academy from the preschool and kindergarten it is now to a full primary school (through 7th grade). Another part of the vision is to establish a community based teaching, training and resource center from which we could host community-based Bible studies and other events for the spiritual development of the people of Ikageng and beyond. At the same time, we have to be careful not to compromise the security of the preschool and orphan care facilities we have been blessed with by allowing too much free access to the property by community at large. We had been praying for some time for Christ to provide us access to a 3 acre plot of land adjacent to the current 4.5 acre property we now occupy which would allow for the expansion of the school and teaching, training and resource center and at the same time allow us to maintain the security preschool and orphan care facilities. We thought we had missed that opportunity when we learned that the property had been sold to another buyer. But God works in mysterious ways, and rather than looking at a missed opportunity we are praising Him for answered prayer! The group that purchased the property has asked us to come alongside them (as well as two other organizations) to develop the land and oversee various projects for the benefit of the community at large, including the establishment of a Christian school! Praise God, today we are happy to announce to you today a formal joint venture between The TentMaker Trust (our South African registered-Non Profit Organization), MosaicSA, a ministry partner we have known and worked with for some time (website, Facebook), Touching Africa Development Trust, the group that partnered with us on the vegetable garden pilot-project (website), and the group who ultimately purchased the property. Our primary role in the joint venture will be to manage the Christian school. After much praying and planning, development plans have been agreed upon which include a Christian school with 16 classrooms, office space, and a 250-350 seat assembly hall which can be used as a church and for other community events and multipurpose sports fields.
Site plan for the 3 acre property adjacent to our current 4.5 acre plot, which sits above this parcel.
The entire project has been divided into 3 phases… Phase 1 is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year, and is under way as we speak. The Mosaic builders have nearly completed installing a perimeter fence around the property. After that, they will create two multipurpose sports fields, and before the end of 2014 complete construction of an office block which Naledi Christian Academy will use as additional temporary classrooms next year. Phase II, scheduled for January 1 – December 31, 2015, includes the construction of one classroom wing consisting of a two-story, 8 classroom structure with toilets, a small office block and the school hall. When complete, we will move our classrooms from the office block into the classroom wing and the office block will be available to be used as offices. Phase III, scheduled for January 1 – December 31, 2016, includes the construction of the second two-story classroom wing with 8 additional classroom and toilets.
Side views of the completed school including 16 classrooms, offices, toilets and a 250-350 hall
We are in the process of completing the paperwork to register Naledi Christian Academy as an independent school with the South African government, as well as with an independent Christian school organization called Accelerated Christian Education (“A.C.E.”), which is based out of the U.S. but has a presence in Africa and South Africa (website, Facebook). We will be using their curriculum for our kindergarten through 7th grade classes. Please pray for these processes to go smoothly and be completed in a timely manner. Please also pray for discernment, wisdom and guidance regarding plans to 1) train our existing staff to use the new curriculum, 2) get our current Kindergarten kids English and Reading ready for Grade 1, and 3) recruit additional English speaking staff and volunteers to help us with those tasks. We know that the acquisition of the curriculum, additional staff, training programs and need for school resources and furnishings will increase our operating costs. However, we firmly believe that where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and are trusting that He will to continue to provide as He has in the past. Your prayers for His continued provision to meet these needs would be appreciated. Enrollment will take place in a few months. Until then, we won’t know the actual number of students we will have. In addition to adding Grade 1 next year we will also likely be accommodating a limited number of children in other grades (most likely 2nd-5th). The A.C.E curriculum we will be using is a highly individualized, self paced home-schooling curriculum which will lend itself very well to a “one-room schoolhouse” environment where we can have children at different levels working at their own speed. This growth will present multiple opportunities for people to serve alongside us as medium- and long-term volunteers, either as Teacher Trainers and Student Tutors. Ideally a volunteer would commit to 1, 2, 3 or 4 school terms, a period of service that would range from 70 to 334 days in South Africa. The ideal Teacher Trainer would be a mature follower of Christ with experience as a public, private or home-school educator. Qualifications to serve as a Student Tutor include a love of Jesus and a love for children. This position would be great for current or recently graduated Bible college students or students studying to be teachers who are able to spend a semester abroad, need student-teaching experience or internship hours. We are putting together specific details including program and job descriptions, available service dates, accommodations and the associated costs. Please contact us at volunteers@TentMakerMinistries.com if you hear a call to serve as a Teacher Trainer or Student Tutor so we can provide you with more information. If you don’t hear a call to serve in either of these important roles, please pass the word on to people you know who might be interested, and please be in prayer Christ to raise up people to answer the call and for those that take a step of faith and respond in obedience to the call! Taylor Van Duinen, our International Field Coordinator will be in the United States in late July/August, and we (Bill and Susan) will be back in mid October/November to discuss the latest developments and opportunities with any individuals or groups that might be interested. Please email info@TentMakerMinistries.com if you would like to schedule a meeting, presentation or personal update on how Christ is moving in Ikageng and how you can be an active participant in what He is doing through the gifts of your prayers, purses or presence with Taylor or us. There’s much more other exciting news to share, but we don’t want your heads to spin as ours are, so some it will have to wait until next month… Until then, please continue to lift all of this in prayer… His plans for us and His plans for you. Join us in giving thanks and praise to our God who continues to do exceedingly, abundantly more that we could ever ask or think. To Him be glory in the church by Jesus Christ to all generations, forever and ever. {Ephesians 3:20-21, NKJV} In Christ Who gives us strength,
Bill and Susan Weibel