November Update

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Lions and Cheetahs and Servals,

Oh My!

Last month we were blessed to host a group of co-laborers in the faith from Calvary Chapel Belmar (Colorado).  Not only did they tackle some big work projects (building a shade awning, erecting a new playground, paving the walkway with bricks, painting our doors bright blue and green), they also withstood the fiercely pronounced elements of heat and wind each afternoon to bless the hearts of some of our students and their siblings.  Songs were sung, games were played, crafts were made, stories were told, verses were memorized.  And fun was had by all!

As a special treat for both the team and our students, we arranged for an outing to the lion park down the highway on their last day together.  Just getting to ride in the vans excites the kids.  We drove about 40 kilometers (24 miles), and there were so many news sights to oooh and aaah at along the way.

When we pulled into the lion park the chatter ceased and silence settled, perhaps due to a mix of excitement and terror at the beasts we were about to behold.  One boy exclaimed, “I’ve never seen a real live lion—only on the television!”

Their precious hands clung to each other as we filed past habitats for lions of all ages.  The brave leaned toward the fences and made eye contact with the massive felines, while others cowered away with eyes squeezed shut.  They gasped and jumped back as the huge creatures pounced on the chicken snacks that were tossed over the fence for them.

Eyes wide and jaws dropped, they squealed with amazement as the cheetah sprinted away with a mouthful of feathers, not disappointing her reputation as the fastest animal.  Her more laid-back male counterpart leaned against the fence so the kids could take turns scratching his back.

At the last exhibit, they giggled with glee as the playful serval cat ducked in and out of a 5-gallon-bucket like he was playing hide and seek.

After a picnic of PB&Js, bananas and ice cream bars, we headed for home, fears lessened and lips buzzing with awe and stories to take home and share with their families.

Here We Grow Again

Please welcome Jen Torres, pictured here on the right, to the TentMaker Ministries and Naledi Christian Academy staff. Jen was a member of the Calvary Chapel Belmar team that visited us last month and is planning to join us in South Africa in January, just in time for the start of the new school year. Please support her with your prayers and finances as she takes this step of faith to trust and obey Christ’s call on her life.

Naledi Christian Academy Update

It’s the last week of the 2014 school year as we write this, with many closing activities scheduled. In January we’ll be adding a Grade 1 and combined Grades 2-5 classroom in a new building currently being constructed, so we’ll be busy preparing for the new classes and students as soon as this school year ends. Be on the lookout for our next newsletter to read more about our year-end and new-year!

Last But Not Least, Happy Thanksgiving!

In this season of Thanksgiving, a sincere ‘Thank You’ is in order to everyone who supports our ministry throughout the year with their prayers, presence and purses.

For those of you who are interested, TentMaker Ministries offers electronic giving options for making donations on either a one-time or scheduled, automated basis. It’s a convenient way for you to actively partner with us and provides much-needed financial consistency to complete the work Christ has pre-ordained for us Africa. If you would like to support the work of TentMaker Ministries or one of our missionaries just click on the image below or the “Donate Now” button on this page above.